Debating and communication skills with Nick Allen

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Every year Mr Nick Allen visits our school to give us some information regarding communication skills and debating. This year, due to the given circumstances, he gave his presentation via a videocall. 

Nick Allen is a British professor with a background in the world of theatre who is currently living in Vienna.

According to Mr. Allen, knowing how to communicate properly can make or break a person; most life situations involve communication and people who have mastered the art of communication benefit greatly. Communication in this case involves much more than just speaking; non-verbal acts of communication that go along with this also play a vital role. We humans are experts in pattern recognition and identify instantly when the words that come out of a person’s mouth do not match their mimic, posture and gestures. 

Having a respectful debating culture is a very important part of any functioning democracy, thus it is crucial for young people to learn these skills, enabling them to play an active role in a democracy. 

As always, Mr. Allen gave an interesting, interactive presentation with many fascinating insights.

Andreas Hellbock 4CP

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