On the 16th of November the classes 5A WI and 3A WS went to visit the Loacker company building in Unterinn (Ritten), accompanied by the teachers Barbara Fuchsberger and Elisabeth Pallozzi. Once we arrived at the building we were directed in by an employee, who led us to a room, where we had to put on special protective gear for hygiene reasons. We were split up in two groups an began our tours through the production halls. We saw the production and packaging of several products. We also got to try some of them and take a few home. Another thing we got to see was the Warehouse, where the products were stored. At the end of the tour, we got to learn a bit about the history of the company and could ask remaining questions. We also got a thank you for visiting from the company in form of a little box of their products. At noon we headed back to the bus and went back to school. All in all, the trip was very informative and interesting.
Personale scolastico